Getting real with the F-Bomb

Getting real with the F-Bomb

by digby

Trump's going for it:

Donald Trump had a four-letter word fest at last night's campaign rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

'You can tell them to go f--- themselves, because they let you down and they left,' Trump said, directing his ire at American companies that relocated overseas.

'We're going to knock the s--- out of ISIS,' Trump said at another point.

And encouraging New Hampshire voters to get to the polls on Tuesday for the country's first primary, Trump dropped another swear word.

'I don't give a damn, you've got to get out of bed,' he said.

It's not the first time he's done it during a speech, just the first time in this campaign:

But that's nothing. He likes to criticize Obama and other leaders as "babies." I'm waiting for him to slip in the word he really wants to use.

I'm guessing the c-word is in the rotation too.